Monday, October 17, 2011


This are the snowshoes me and my bro are thinking of buying. For the asome thrill of backcountry snowboarding.MSR Evo 22 (Unisex)  MSR Evo Tour 22 (Unisex) this is what i have found so far that i like

I have finaly started my joging plan

Yes it is true i have started running. I plan on running 10k in may. Every week i plan on doing a different trail which will make the distance eventually increase the distance that i can run. right now i am running for half an hour and hope to be the end of the month be running an hour.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Youth Hike

I decided to plan a hike for the Senior high youth group. Everyone enjoyed it  and want to do another hike like it some time soon. I plan on taking them up Mount Wesley.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

SAR Final Camp Weekend

The GSAR course is finally going to be over soon. I can't wait for the over night camp out to test everything that we have learned through out the course. We will be tested on our compass bearings in the bush (the only time that we are on are own) which will be one of the hardest to do. After we finish the first day we are going to spend the night in the woods. The next day we will be finishing up are testing.
Next week, will be are final test. It is the biggest test yet.

Trail building

I have recently started to build a trail into the woods. I plan on making it  about 1-2kms long. I may make it into a biking trail but for now I am making for me to jog on. I have been enjoying being out in the woods  and building a trail. Will post some more at a later date. When I have add a good distance to my trail.

Monday, April 18, 2011

SAR Sunday Training

Yesterday, was a SAR training exercise day out in the field. We had to plot a bearing on a map and follow that bearing to a ribbon.'

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Fifth Night of GSAR Training


We finished up our map work. I think that I did well on my quiz. Next, week we will be attending the annual general meeting.