Thursday, January 27, 2011

Learning How to Track

This was my first night following Jan's ( who is are instructor) foot prints on muddy ground for a long distance with out much help. I learned what to look for on the ground things like impressions in the ground, small pebbles  moved, dirt transfer and stepped on pebbles. It is hard to find the prints in the dark because my eyes are not trained on what to look for.

How to Survival in the outdoors Book

I plan on learning all I can from this book. Some of the shelters and ways to survival out in the bush with not enough supplies. I also, am going to learn how to start a fire with out any matches. Learning how to tie the knots that will hold all of the different types of shelters I want to build will be the hardest. I plan on trying to build this type of shelter but with a wall in the front to reflect the fire heat back into it.


Start of the Ground Search And Rescue Coures

Jan. 26,201, was my first night of official training at Alberni Valley Rescue Squad.  There are about 12 of us who have just joined so we have to get trained. We got are manuals for learning every thing about Search and Rescue. Mainly we learned about the politics of SR and how they do things, who's in charge and so forth. Next, week we will be out in the bush learning how to use a compass, ropes, what type of personal gear we need.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How to Dig a Snow Cave

First, you should mark off the area that you are going to make your cave in because you do not want somebody to walk over the hole with you in it. Then, take the shovel and start to dig a hole in the snow you should have enough snow to dig about one meter into the snow. Next, you dig  under the snow which is the start of the cave. After, that you dig it so that it you can sit up in it and stretch out in the cave to sleep.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Snow Shoe Adventure Day

Last Friday, Jan.21,2011, my brother and I got to learn about snow safety and how to dig snow caves at Mount Washington. It was a sunny day out for snowshoeing and digging snow caves. I could have spent a lot longer digging the snow cave because it was challenging. Two people could sleep in the snow cave. We also learned what is good to carry in a backpack and how to find people that get buried in avalanches.