Wednesday, November 10, 2010

search and rescue week 5

This is my second general meeting that I have been to.  I got my paper work in so that I could be voted in as a member today.  Some of the up coming course are Level 1, GCR, and an avalanche course.  I am only allowed to do the GCR course which is were the new members will learn everything that we need to know to search for and find people.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I am starting to look at what types of snowshoes are out there. Here are some of the types I have found at Mec. I will look at Valhalla at a later time.

Atlas 1230 Snowshoes  
$287.00 CAD

Atlas 1230 Snowshoes

Atlas E1227 Snowshoes
$287.00 CAD
 Atlas E1227 Snowshoes

Monday, November 8, 2010

search and rescue week 4

The SAR group headed out to combs candy store near the high way to do some training. We practiced a line search which is were everyone goes down the same trail. Each member will stop 30m apart on the trail when the line command tell us to set up the line. Then we all get a Bering on our compass and follow the Bering. Every two minutes there is a beep on the radio which is a single to yell out a name like Joe. Once the command leader was found we got to learn how to strap him onto the spine board. Next we have to trample the bush to the nearest trail while we are waiting for the stretcher to get there. Once the stretcher shows up we get to pack out the command leader to the truck.