Thursday, December 9, 2010

First Snowboarding of the season

Today, was the first day of of our family's  ski season.  It was a a beautiful day for being out on mount Washington.  We spent most of the day getting back into the hang of being back on the mountain. I maneged to hit an ice ridge and strained my knee. So my brother had to go and get the ski patrol. It was my first time on a snowmobile it was fun except for my knee. I only strained my knee so it should be fine in a few days.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


These are the different types of layers and how to were them. I found all this info at the MEC website.
Base layer

Base layers (also known as underwear) should transport moisture away from the skin and disperse it to the air or outer layers where it can evaporate.
The best base layer materials are synthetics (polypropylene and polyester).
These are light and strong, absorb very little water, and are quick to dry.
Seamless or flat-seam garments lie flat and won't press into your skin under a harness or pack.
Base layers should fit snugly without being constricting.

Mid layers

The mid-layer provides insulation and continues the transportation of moisture from the inner layer.
Wool and synthetics are well suited to this because the structure of the fibres creates small air spaces that trap molecules of warm air.
As with the inner layer, this layer should be snug but not constricting.

outer layers

The outer layer protects you from the elements and should allow air to circulate and excess moisture to escape.
A shell made of a breathable and waterproof fabric, such as Gore-Tex, will protect you from wind and rain, and allow water vapour to escape.


In frigid temperatures, a layered mitt system is the best choice for warmth.
Layers dry faster than one heavily insulated piece, and let you swap out wet layers.
Wearing a shell outer glove and a thin polypro or Windstopper® liner is a good compromise


  • Cuffs keep out snow and insulate the wrist – an area of high heat loss. Look for cuffs that fit snugly but don’t impede circulation. They should be long enough to keep you covered when you reach way out for a pole-plant or way up for a tool placement.
  • Reinforced palms are durable and offer good grippy texture. Double-stitching and extra layers of fabric will protect high-wear areas like the thumb, lower palm, and forefingers.
  • Padding on the backs of the hands and fingers protects you when your errant ice tool swing catches “nothing but knuckle.”
  • That little loop on the back of the forefinger lets you hang the gloves upside down on your harness so they don’t fill with snow while you climb

Monday, December 6, 2010

Start of Ski Season Preperations

On Sunday, I waxed all our skies and snowboards. My dad taught my how to wax them a few year es ago. I all so had to learn on how to set the ski bidding's. I don't ski so I have never had to set skis but this year I thought I would give it a try. 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

search and rescue week 7

Yesterday night, us new members of SAR got a demo on how to use ropes and tapes.  I learned how to tie  a simple sling, the wrap two pull, and a water mark knot. We also did some compass work.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


 These are some types of headlamps that I have looked at. I found all the info at MEC. I am looking for bright headlamps for when I am out in the bush I can see more than a few meters.

black diamond icon headlamp
Product Number: 5012-761
$63.50 CAD
 Black Diamond Icon Headlamp 

 petzl myo xp belt headlamp
Product Number: 5018-807
  $84.00 CAD
Petzl Myo Xp Belt Headlamp 

This is the headlamp I am most interested in.

petzl myo xp headlamp
Product Number: 5018-806
$80.00 CAD
Petzl Myo XP Headlamp
petzl tikka plus 2 headlamp
Product Number: 5019-585
 $37.00 CAD

petzl tikka xp2 headlamp
Product Number: 5019-583
$51.00 CAD

  Petzl Tikka XP 2 Headlamp

Monday, November 29, 2010

Gear I need for SAR

Here is a list of some of the items I will need for Search and Rescue. These items I will need to buy still.

Metal cup        L
Headlamp  bright
paint drop sheet       M
proper out door knife
fire sticks
steel wool
water/drop able lighter
mag light
pocket saw
emergency stove
Ziploc bag
rock climbing helmet

First Aid Kit 

plastic gloves
triangle bandages
mole skins
two eye patches
pins and wrap around bandages
hot shots
feet warmers
hand warmers
face shield
stare strip
oral gel
towel wipes
adesent body warmers

hot apple cider
hot chocolate
lots of water
energy drinks

leather gloves

Thursday, November 25, 2010

search and rescue week 6

Last night, we went to Maquinna trails to test out some of our equipment.  I learned that I should try out my hiking boots in the snow to see how they work because my work boots have steel in them which sucks the cold out of the snow and into the boots.  I need to learn what type of gear I need to be able to be out in the snow for hours.

We were practicing low angle rescue which is were you lower a stretcher down a hill using ropes tied off to a tree.
To do this you need to tie a special type of note in the rope and hook it into the Cabrini on the rope around the tree.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


 This is just a reminder to me on how to buy snowshoes.
How To Buy Snowshoes
Features To Covet
  • Anodized aluminum frame or molded plastic deck / frame.
  • Adjustable binding. Choose "limited rotation" to minimize tail drag on groomed snow, "free-rotation" for best traction and control on unbroken surfaces.
  • Upturned toe for easier maneuvering and minimizing snow build-up.
  • Ratcheting buckle on the binding for ease of use.
  • Solid decking of Hypalon or molded plastic or other synthetic material.
  • Toe and heel crampons underfoot to increase traction.
Variables To Consider

An Adventure Network Truth from the gear guru himself, Michael Hodgson
You simply cannot buy one pair of snowshoes that will serve you well in every snow condition you'll encounter.

Size does matter...a quick guide to finding the right shoe for your weight:
  • For backpacking / extended winter hikes: Your weight including the weight of a pack if you're carrying one:
    Up to 140 - 8x21
    Up to 180 - 8x25
    Up to 200 - 9x30
    200 and over - 10x36
  • For recreational use, day trips by the hour: Your weight including the weight of a daypack if you're carrying one:
    Up to 140 - 8x21
    Up to 180 - 8x25
    180 and over - 9x30
Other sizing considerations:
  • Hiking alone or breaking trail for a group? or Is the snow deep and powdery? Then size up. As a rule, you'll need a in the range of 9x30 or 10x36.
  • Hiking with a group and sharing trail breaking duty? Then you'll probably do fine with a shoe in the range of 8x21 or 8x25.
  • Planning on running? Then opt for one of the running-specific designs.
Size does matter...a quick guide to finding the right shoe for your weight:
Contributed By: Michael Hodgson

Michael Hodgson is a an award-winning journalist and author of numerous books including Camping for Dummies, Compass and Map Navigator, and Facing the Extreme. He is a volunteer instructor for the American Red Cross, Nevada County Sheriff's Search & Rescue team and was a former mountain guide. Michael is well-known for his sense of humor and eagerness to try anything once in the pursuit of a really good story. His friends remain amazed that he can still walk. He has partnered with his journalist-wife, Therese Iknoian, on four web sites: his own, plus,, and


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

search and rescue week 5

This is my second general meeting that I have been to.  I got my paper work in so that I could be voted in as a member today.  Some of the up coming course are Level 1, GCR, and an avalanche course.  I am only allowed to do the GCR course which is were the new members will learn everything that we need to know to search for and find people.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I am starting to look at what types of snowshoes are out there. Here are some of the types I have found at Mec. I will look at Valhalla at a later time.

Atlas 1230 Snowshoes  
$287.00 CAD

Atlas 1230 Snowshoes

Atlas E1227 Snowshoes
$287.00 CAD
 Atlas E1227 Snowshoes

Monday, November 8, 2010

search and rescue week 4

The SAR group headed out to combs candy store near the high way to do some training. We practiced a line search which is were everyone goes down the same trail. Each member will stop 30m apart on the trail when the line command tell us to set up the line. Then we all get a Bering on our compass and follow the Bering. Every two minutes there is a beep on the radio which is a single to yell out a name like Joe. Once the command leader was found we got to learn how to strap him onto the spine board. Next we have to trample the bush to the nearest trail while we are waiting for the stretcher to get there. Once the stretcher shows up we get to pack out the command leader to the truck.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Hiking project day 1 : trip planning

I am doing a 4h book on hiking so I am going to put the info I learn on here.

Day hike planning checklist.

When are you going? 

 How are you getting there?

 Who is going?

 Where will you go?

 This is very important to give to someone in case you get lost or hurt they will know were you are.  What type of gear do you need and food for the day hike. What time of year will effect what type of equipment you will need.  Are you going to somewhere you have already been in or a new area. Why do you want to go on this hike? I hike because I enjoy  the views at the top of mountains and the psychical exercise.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hike up Mount cokley

Yesterday, I went up Mount Cokely with one of the hiking group members who's name is Ron. I have very badly wanted to go up the mountain because I can see it from town. After, I climbed Mount Arrowsmith I could see it's sister mountain Cokely. It was a very sunny day so I could see a long distance. We could see lots of people from the top of the mountain. 

Friday, October 15, 2010

Search and Rescue: Tracking week 1

Last night was my first tracking lesson. Tracking is where we follow somebodies path through the bush. It is quite interesting to learn because little indents in the ground can mean something.  There is a small group of search and rescue that does tracking. We went to the hill beside Extra Foods to practice tracking.  An instructor went up the hill first to make foot prints for us to follow.   Then, he showed us how to look for the foot prints on the hill.

Track and Field

I started track and field a few months ago. Yesterday, I learned how to use more of the weight room equipment. I am enjoying getting my body in shape and ready for my ran up Arrowsmith. I plan on getting a personalized training plan for when track is done for the year.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

My Fitness Challange

My fitness goal for this year would be to train for my run up Mount Arrowsmith next year. I started running up Silver Star which got me interested in running up the mountain that stands above Port Alberni.

Search and Rescue week 3

Last night, we had a general meeting at S&R to discuss past plans and upcoming events.There were about 20 members at the meeting which I am the newest member to join.  They have their general meeting every second Wednesday  every month.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day Hike Trip Plan

When are you going? The best time to leave is early in the morning because it is cooler and you have more time to hike before it gets dark. If going with other people try to plan the hike a few weeks in advance. It is good to  decide what to bring according to the weather.

How are you getting there? The easy way to get to the trail head is get some one who can drive to come on the hike or you can have your parents drop you off.

Where will you go?  Heading up mountains is one of the nicest places to hike because you can see for a very long way. It is a good idea to bring a friend or someone to talk to and to help if an emergency arises.

Why are you going?  Is it to get exercise or see the amazing views off of a mountain? Sometimes I try to meet a personal goal or go to a neat place like a hidden lake.

What costs are involved with this day hike? The costs would be mainly food but can be some tour books of the trail that tells you the interesting places to stop on the trail. Would you need to buy equipment or borrow it these can make you spend more money than is really necessary.

Search and Rescue week 2

My second week at search and rescue practice was interesting because we went out into the woods to learn new skills.  The new members learned how to tramp through the bush at night safely. The group learned how to read a compass and a little bit about a GPS.  One of the senior officers pretended to be hurt so we would get the chance to feel what it is like to carry a stretcher.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hike Last Saturday to Mount Apps

Mt. Apps, The Squarehead, Mt Joan, Mt Hal: Traverse        Last Saturday, I went hiking up Mount Apps in the Beaufort Mountains on Vancouver Island. We met in the parking lot of the new tourist info center and we drove for two hours to get to the start of the trail. The weather looked like it was going to be good but when we neared the top of the mountain it got cold, windy, and foggy.  I was excited to write my name on the log book at the top of the mountain.  We were gone most of the day.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Search and Rescue Week 1

Last night was my first night at search and rescue. I learned lots of different types of knots and how to tie them.

Here is a list of some training I will be doing while part of the AVRS - Alberni Valley Rescue Squad:

Wilderness SAR

* Wilderness first aid
* Tracking
* Map and compass
* Search techniques
* Lost Person Behavior
* Outdoor survival
* Radio and GPS operations
* Swift water Rescue
* Small Watercraft Operations
*rock climbing
Specialized Training

* Ground search and rescue (GSAR) team leader
* SAR Management
* High angle rope rescue
* Rope Rescue Team Leader
* Rope Rescue Instructor
* GSAR Instructor
* Organized Avalanche Response

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Big White

My family went skiing at Big White last year. I  had fun because it was a new mountain with hardly anyone on the runs. I am the only one that snowboards in my family.