Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day Hike Trip Plan

When are you going? The best time to leave is early in the morning because it is cooler and you have more time to hike before it gets dark. If going with other people try to plan the hike a few weeks in advance. It is good to  decide what to bring according to the weather.

How are you getting there? The easy way to get to the trail head is get some one who can drive to come on the hike or you can have your parents drop you off.

Where will you go?  Heading up mountains is one of the nicest places to hike because you can see for a very long way. It is a good idea to bring a friend or someone to talk to and to help if an emergency arises.

Why are you going?  Is it to get exercise or see the amazing views off of a mountain? Sometimes I try to meet a personal goal or go to a neat place like a hidden lake.

What costs are involved with this day hike? The costs would be mainly food but can be some tour books of the trail that tells you the interesting places to stop on the trail. Would you need to buy equipment or borrow it these can make you spend more money than is really necessary.

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