Thursday, February 3, 2011

Second Night of GSAR training

Feb.2 2011

We did some classroom time which was just reviewing last weeks lecture of the first four chapters of the manual. Next, we went out into the bush near a local trail system at Coombs Country Candy to learn a little about sound sweeps. A sound sweep is where we all line up in a line usually 50 meters a part (but since it was training we were  5 meters apart) and get a bearing for our compasses. Then, we went  into the bush on that heading trying to stay in a straight line. When each searcher's radio beeps you stop and shout the subjects name and wait 5 seconds after yelling to hear the subject. Finally, we practiced carrying a person on a stretcher out of the bush.

Next week, we have a quiz on the first four chapters of the manual and will be learning to read maps.

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